Saturday, August 18, 2012

Young Illegal Aliens

I need some help here friends making my mind up on this illegal alien debacle that Obama has set off. Before we get going let me state where I stand on immigration into the United States. I'm all for controlled, legal immigration. Immigrants throughout the history of our great country have made huge contributions to our society. In fact, unless you're a descendent or a Native American you've either immigrated here yourself or are a descendent of an immigrant.

Just as I'm for legal immigration I'm adamantly opposed to illegal immigration. Right now illegal aliens are wreaking havoc on our welfare system, taking badly needed jobs from citizens, & causing environmental damage on the border states. In addition illegal immigrants are being used at an ever increasing rate to smuggle drugs into our country which fuels even more violent crime, human trafficking, & a host of other horrific problems.

Now here's where I need your help. I'm trying to make my mind up on the big illegal alien debacle going on right now with young people. Obama by executive decree has basically ordered the stoppage of young illegal aliens below the age of 22 if I remember right. The problem I have with Obama's decree is that I believe that it's nothing more than an election year ploy to try to get the Hispanic & Latino votes. In that sense the decree is wrong.

I feel that the best thing to do here would be for Congress to set up a program (groan) that would allow young people, or anyone for that matter, that has been here in the USA since a certain age, say younger than 16 just guessing, to apply for citizenship without the fear of being deported. I know that this sounds similiar to what Obama is doing but I truly feel that the issue of young illegal aliens needs to be done constitutionally which means that Congress needs to address the issue, write the rules, assign departmental governing authority, & then fund it. I'm afraid Obama's way of doing it is unconstitutional (as usual) & Obama is creating a bigger mess then he claims to be cleaning up just to secure votes.

Now do I believe that a young person here illegally should be summarily deported if they've been in the USA since they were a child & have no serious criminal history? Not really, no. Let me say why. Many of these young people may not know that they are here illegally as many of them have been here since they were just children. Loading them up & sending them back to the country they came from could at the very least be a huge shock to them. Many of them could even very well having a hard time surviving as they could very well be seen as outcasts & have a very difficult time finding income, other than submitting to human trafficking, thus jeopardizing their very survival.

I'm sure you've heard the saying that "you should walk a mile in another person's shoes before judging them." That's what I'm trying to do here by putting myself in their situation.

Suppose it was my Father rather than my Grandfather that emigrated here from Poland. Also, instead of coming here legally through Ellis Island he managed somehow to sneak in. Now my Father is here & even though I would have been born in Poland my parents brought me here as a young child. I pretty much know very little of my homeland other then what I've heard my family talk about it around the house. I also have not a clue I'm not here legally. After all I attended public school here all the way from kindergarten up through graduating as a senior. English is my primary language and I am not very fluent in our native tongue as my parents try not to speak it around me very much because they want me to know the language that Americans speak because it will help me integrate better. What do you think would happen to me if all of a sudden I find myself in custody for whatever reason, doesn't have to be a serious criminal charge, it could be something as simple as an immigration sweep, & I'm on the next flight "home" to Poland? For me that is not a pleasant thought.

I'm still trying to decide for sure exactly how best to address this issue but this is what I've come up with so far. Am I on the right track? Is what's happening as the way Obama decreed correct? How big of a problem do you really see this? Please let me know what you think about what I've come up with so far. In addition, I'd love to hear your thoughts in general.

 There are two things I do know for sure. One, if we don't with this problem fast it's really going to get out of hand much worse than it is now. Two, those of us that claim to be conservatives have been labeled uncompassionate when we claim to be compassionate. If we don't show compassion here & do this right then we will prove our detractors right, make hypocrites of ourselves, & definitely lose a ton of ground that we have fought so hard to gain.

Be Blessed!



  1. I sure think you are correct. We do have to deal with the existing population of illegal immigrants and their families, and this is a fairly humane and restricted measure.

    What really and truly irks me about the whole immigration issue is the people who claim we "need" the illegal immigrants and should not shutter the border are the same ones who don't want to ease legal immigration requirements for immigrants from Asia, Europe and so on.

    Of course the fact that most of these people are self reliant and are overwhelmingly conservative once they get here would have nothing to do with that, no?
