Saturday, June 23, 2012

Obama Invited to New Hampshire NASCAR Race

Here's a great headline for you!

Jerry Gappens, President of New Hampshire Motor Speedway, sent out a press release stating that he has left free tickets to the July 15th NASCAR Sprint Cup race.  Many are questioning not only the motives but even the sanity of Jerry Gappens doing this.  Here's my take on it.

Great move by Jerry Gappens!  Anyone want to guess on the chances of Obuma actually showing up?  I'd say those chances are somewhere between zip, zero, zilch, & not a chance! 

Why did Jerry Gappens do this?  My guess is that it is two-fold.  First it's a publicity stunt, that's the biggest reason.  If Obuma really wanted to come to the race you wouldn't see him or any of his entourage at the Will Call window.  They'd plan this well in advance, spend millions of our tax dollars on his security detail & the logistic costs which include both Air 1 & Marine 1.

The biggest reason I'm hoping Jerry Gappens did this is to expose Obuma's bitter discontempt for everything NASCAR stands for.  These include the freedom to openly & publicly pray to Jesus or to whomever we choose, open & blatant support of our military personnel, & the open support of American business.

The policies of the liberal left & Obuma have severely damaged the livelihood of all Americans & no one knows this better then the fine folks at NASCAR who now are having to deal with declining attendance & corporate sponsorship due to the simple fact that people in this country are hurting financially & just can't afford a weekend, or even a day at the races anymore.

Obuma couldn't pick a much more hostile environment to show up to then a NASCAR race.  This would be the irony of all ironies of this election year if Obuma showed up.  But then on the other hand none of the people I associate with have ever accused Obuma of "being of a far superior mindset." 

Maybe Obuma will show up & be ran right back out of town.  Either way this is a great move by Jerry Gappens!

Be Blessed!
