Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I just put this together & I thought that I'd share it here.

Be Blessed!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Young Illegal Aliens

I need some help here friends making my mind up on this illegal alien debacle that Obama has set off. Before we get going let me state where I stand on immigration into the United States. I'm all for controlled, legal immigration. Immigrants throughout the history of our great country have made huge contributions to our society. In fact, unless you're a descendent or a Native American you've either immigrated here yourself or are a descendent of an immigrant.

Just as I'm for legal immigration I'm adamantly opposed to illegal immigration. Right now illegal aliens are wreaking havoc on our welfare system, taking badly needed jobs from citizens, & causing environmental damage on the border states. In addition illegal immigrants are being used at an ever increasing rate to smuggle drugs into our country which fuels even more violent crime, human trafficking, & a host of other horrific problems.

Now here's where I need your help. I'm trying to make my mind up on the big illegal alien debacle going on right now with young people. Obama by executive decree has basically ordered the stoppage of young illegal aliens below the age of 22 if I remember right. The problem I have with Obama's decree is that I believe that it's nothing more than an election year ploy to try to get the Hispanic & Latino votes. In that sense the decree is wrong.

I feel that the best thing to do here would be for Congress to set up a program (groan) that would allow young people, or anyone for that matter, that has been here in the USA since a certain age, say younger than 16 just guessing, to apply for citizenship without the fear of being deported. I know that this sounds similiar to what Obama is doing but I truly feel that the issue of young illegal aliens needs to be done constitutionally which means that Congress needs to address the issue, write the rules, assign departmental governing authority, & then fund it. I'm afraid Obama's way of doing it is unconstitutional (as usual) & Obama is creating a bigger mess then he claims to be cleaning up just to secure votes.

Now do I believe that a young person here illegally should be summarily deported if they've been in the USA since they were a child & have no serious criminal history? Not really, no. Let me say why. Many of these young people may not know that they are here illegally as many of them have been here since they were just children. Loading them up & sending them back to the country they came from could at the very least be a huge shock to them. Many of them could even very well having a hard time surviving as they could very well be seen as outcasts & have a very difficult time finding income, other than submitting to human trafficking, thus jeopardizing their very survival.

I'm sure you've heard the saying that "you should walk a mile in another person's shoes before judging them." That's what I'm trying to do here by putting myself in their situation.

Suppose it was my Father rather than my Grandfather that emigrated here from Poland. Also, instead of coming here legally through Ellis Island he managed somehow to sneak in. Now my Father is here & even though I would have been born in Poland my parents brought me here as a young child. I pretty much know very little of my homeland other then what I've heard my family talk about it around the house. I also have not a clue I'm not here legally. After all I attended public school here all the way from kindergarten up through graduating as a senior. English is my primary language and I am not very fluent in our native tongue as my parents try not to speak it around me very much because they want me to know the language that Americans speak because it will help me integrate better. What do you think would happen to me if all of a sudden I find myself in custody for whatever reason, doesn't have to be a serious criminal charge, it could be something as simple as an immigration sweep, & I'm on the next flight "home" to Poland? For me that is not a pleasant thought.

I'm still trying to decide for sure exactly how best to address this issue but this is what I've come up with so far. Am I on the right track? Is what's happening as the way Obama decreed correct? How big of a problem do you really see this? Please let me know what you think about what I've come up with so far. In addition, I'd love to hear your thoughts in general.

 There are two things I do know for sure. One, if we don't with this problem fast it's really going to get out of hand much worse than it is now. Two, those of us that claim to be conservatives have been labeled uncompassionate when we claim to be compassionate. If we don't show compassion here & do this right then we will prove our detractors right, make hypocrites of ourselves, & definitely lose a ton of ground that we have fought so hard to gain.

Be Blessed!


Monday, August 13, 2012

God of Hope, Strength, & Love

Once again today's blog is wrote by a guest blogger, my daughter Brianna.  Let me just say that having a daughter this mature in Christ makes my heart leap for joy!

Hey, so what I'm about to say might sound bad, and so does starting off with that line, but hey it's true. It also might encourage you to stop reading, great even better. Okay here it is, are you ready, here we go: I support traditional marriage, meaning one man, one woman, and sex inside marriage only. Woah, shocker right? A Christian standing by their Bible based beliefs? Don't worry I'm a bit surprised myself. I'm like a teenage girl version of Dan Cathy, you know the Chick-Fil-A, traditional marriage guy. Wait, wait before you stop reading, listen, well look actually at what else I have to say.

I do like gays, scratch that, I love gays, or at least try to. I try to love everyone, it's a Jesus follower thing. This past school year I had a friend come out to me that they were gay. After they told me I told them you know my views, but I'm here for you no matter what, and that was that. We're still friends, we just have different beliefs, and we don't try to shove our beliefs down the other's throat. C'mon you don't make friends by doing stuff like that, it's just not very friendly...

Actually with that being said that leads me into my next little point thing. I have no intention whatsoever to change anyone's views, get them to think, yes, a 180 view change, no. Also the last thing I'm here to do is judge, I have no right to. I am just as human as the next person, and I think we all are aware of how humans can be; very humany wumany. (Hehe Doctor Who reference for all the nerds)

Hey the only way I can say something like, "I only support traditional marriage," is if I have some to back it up. My back up, I am absolutely 100% convinced there is a God in heaven, the God of the Bible, and he is the only God. Now, I must confess, that I have had my fair share of doubts, but maybe my doubts are what lead to my rock solid faith. I had to doubt to God to really know he was there, kinda ironic really.

For me I have no reason to support homosexuality, because my God, the God of the Bible abhors it. Why would I support something that goes against everything I believe in? It makes no sense, so I don't. I hear so often, "But God creates people how he wants them to be." True he creates them with the power to choose; the power to choose him or the power to choose the world. He wouldn't be a loving God if he forced us to choose him. Since he gives us the choice, who am I to judge, who am I to condemn? I'm not, and I try not to, but as a Christian I'll be the first to admit I fail... miserably. I only fail though because I try doing it in my power. I forget that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Phillipians4:13

I believe in God because of who he is and what he's done, not just in my life, but in the lives of others. If someone can give hope to the hopeless, then there's something there worth following. If he can take the kid headed to jail, caught up in gangs, there's gotta be something going on here. If he can take the formerly gay or the woman in the Roe v. Wade case and do a 180 on them, then this is someting huge. If the God of the universe takes time to transform the lives of individuals everywhere, then he's someone worth getting to know. But if he's never done any of this, then he's not worth it. If he's done even just one of these he's so worth it, but if he's done all of this and more, then he's indescribable. The God I believe has done all of this in more, so I give my life to follow God, not the world, cause my God is greater.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Obama Invited to New Hampshire NASCAR Race

Here's a great headline for you!

Jerry Gappens, President of New Hampshire Motor Speedway, sent out a press release stating that he has left free tickets to the July 15th NASCAR Sprint Cup race.  Many are questioning not only the motives but even the sanity of Jerry Gappens doing this.  Here's my take on it.

Great move by Jerry Gappens!  Anyone want to guess on the chances of Obuma actually showing up?  I'd say those chances are somewhere between zip, zero, zilch, & not a chance! 

Why did Jerry Gappens do this?  My guess is that it is two-fold.  First it's a publicity stunt, that's the biggest reason.  If Obuma really wanted to come to the race you wouldn't see him or any of his entourage at the Will Call window.  They'd plan this well in advance, spend millions of our tax dollars on his security detail & the logistic costs which include both Air 1 & Marine 1.

The biggest reason I'm hoping Jerry Gappens did this is to expose Obuma's bitter discontempt for everything NASCAR stands for.  These include the freedom to openly & publicly pray to Jesus or to whomever we choose, open & blatant support of our military personnel, & the open support of American business.

The policies of the liberal left & Obuma have severely damaged the livelihood of all Americans & no one knows this better then the fine folks at NASCAR who now are having to deal with declining attendance & corporate sponsorship due to the simple fact that people in this country are hurting financially & just can't afford a weekend, or even a day at the races anymore.

Obuma couldn't pick a much more hostile environment to show up to then a NASCAR race.  This would be the irony of all ironies of this election year if Obuma showed up.  But then on the other hand none of the people I associate with have ever accused Obuma of "being of a far superior mindset." 

Maybe Obuma will show up & be ran right back out of town.  Either way this is a great move by Jerry Gappens!

Be Blessed!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coscience Act

In today's Wichita Eagle newspaper there is an aritcile titled " Brownback signs ‘conscience act’ letting pharmacists refuse to provide drugs they believe might cause abortion." http://www.kansas.com/2012/05/14/2334608/brownback-signs-conscience-act.html#storylink=cpy

Needless to say those that oppose freedom, especially the Right to Life, have been screaming their heads off in the comments section of this article. I've lost track already in the number of posts I've made here refuting the rantings of the liberal leftists which have included avocation up to and including socialistic Nazism!

Here's the one definitive post that I made that sums up what this "Conscience Act" is all about.

Let me try to focus on the real issue here. Insuring the right of an individual to not be compelled, coerced, or forced to perform a task or labor to which they are ethically or morally opposed to. This is a matter of freedom people, not about the taking away of one's rights. Forcing someone to perform a task or labor to which they are ethically or morally objected to is not freedom. At best its socialism. At worst its tyranny!

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the abortion proponents that are screaming for "freedom of choice?" If those of you who are abortion proponents truly believe what you say should not that "freedom of choice" extend to all people or are you being hypocritical?

This law does nothing to prohibit a woman from acquiring Plan B, RU-486, or any other abortifactant.

Here's the words of German Pastor Martin Niemöller, Anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor. Arrested & held without due process by Nazis 1937 - 1945.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

"Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It." George Santayana (1905) Reason in Common Sense, volume 1 of The Life of Reason

I for one will not stand by while the rights of others are taken away one by one. I remember what has happened in the past & I will fight so that we as a country will not repeat it.

Where do you stand? Please give me feedback!

Be Blessed!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

This is great!  I'm almost getting spoiled having guest bloggers write for me!  It's also nice knowing I'm not the only "Patriot" out there that is fighting to save this country that we love so dearly!  With that said today's blog comes from Gary up in Iowa.  Gary shares his views on why we should support Romney for President even if we don't agree with everything Romney has to say.  Gary make some really great points here!  Please take this to heart!  Enjoy what Gary has to say.  I did.

Be Blessed!


"I too am/was a Ron Paul supporter but the Iowa caucus is over and he lost. Then I supported Santorum. C'est la vie and politics."

"Everyone: If Romney gets in, the Second Amendment will be temporarily safe, our inexorable march towards socialism will be considerably slowed, any new SCOTUS appointees will be conservative and competent, government regulations will become less intrusive, small business will thrive, leases will be let and oil will be drilled and pipelines will be completed, wasteful spending will decrease, the institution of marriage will be defended, patriotism will be celebrated, jobs will be created, abortion will be defunded, the justice department will become just once again, optimism will flourish, and most importantly, Obama, all his cronies, his czars, his terrorist friends and his civilian army will be neutered."

"We find ourselves in a position where the best candidate is not as good as we'd like him to be but ...so what? When has that ever not been the case? Does anyone expect that there will ever be a perfect candidate that is also electable? Of course not and a few (especially you smart guys) may know it. We are being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, but so what? We are always choosing between the lesser of evils in politics. It's an inescapable truth that we humans shall never be able create a perfect scenario when it comes to politics. Here's the proof: Imagine for a moment that Ron Paul were actually electable, would he be the perfect person for the job? Of course not. He too is a bit flawed in some of his thinking but just not as flawed as all these other contenders to the throne."

"Don't give up and don't give in and don't be discouraged because we are tough, strong and we have the advantage of being selflessly right."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I just had an online conversation with a friend and fellow patriot.  This conversation came about over the startling news that the Obama Administration had once again sold us, the U.S., down the river with "Fed clears China's first US bank takeover"  http://news.yahoo.com/fed-clears-chinas-first-us-bank-takeover-012927575.html

Long story short, if our country turns socialist it's not because of the commies, chi coms, or the russians. It's because we have dipshits for this generation. Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"If our generation votes for socialism then they deserve it. The commies didn't attack us, we allowed them to screw us educationally and our children have learned in public schools and colleges that socialism is more preferable than capitalism. The parents of this country have failed to counter the brainwashing. That's our faults not the commies."

"No, I don't advocate violence in any way. This is not Red Dawn where we get invaded. We did this to ourselves for failing to teach this generation. Blogging, voting, preaching and telling others the values of capitalism and liberty and love for country is the way to counter this culture revolution.... and lot's of prayer too."

"Interesting times we live in. I see a muslim advance, communist advance, financial meltdown of global proportions, middle east wars potentials, global power grabs etc.. A lot of chaos in the 21st century. Very difficult to know which one is advancing ahead of the others. Very crazy times."

"I can't quite figure out what's going on. Fiscally, we are on our way to ruin. Someone once told me if we exceed 20 percent interest on our GDP then we are hosed. We are at 100 percent."  http://visual.ly/united-states-debt-percentage-gdp-1940-2012

"Either the enterprise stops warp and reverses thrusters or we are going to default like greece but take the rest of the world with us. Else, I think possibly a stealth default maybe a possibility. Impossible to know really since only God sees the future."
"Those are thing I see as possible problems in the future though."

"Anyhow, I hopefull for the rapture to take us the heck out of here."

I hope he's right!  I hope he's right!

Have a great day!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Our Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  One cannot have "Liberty" or "the pursuit of Happiness" without first having "Life."

Science has now PROVEN to us at the moment a sperm and an egg become one everything is present for LIFE.  Science has now also PROVEN to us that by the 5th week of pregnancy the baby has a beating heart and a functioning brain. 

A quick perusal of Google and you can find that the vast majority of abortions take place AFTER the 6th week of pregnancy.  Knowing this along with what science has shown us is that abortion STOPS a beating heart and destroys a FUNCTIONING brain.  It's simple, abortion destroys LIFE which is the prime tenant that our founding fathers set forth to protect in our Declaration of Independence!

Abortion proponents put forth the argument that a woman has a right to control her own body.  If this is true then the case could be made that suicide should be legalized and perfectly acceptable.  After all, isn't suicide taking control of your own body?  Furthermore, laws have been in place since the dawn of civilization that prevents parents, including mothers (women), from killing their children no matter how young they are.

What we did not know as a civilization until fairly recently is just when life starts.  Now science has given us that answer.  Now that we have the FACTS, should we as a people, citizens of the United States, move forward to protect and further enshrine the very tenants that this great country of ours was founded on?

Something for you to think about.  Better yet, something for you to act upon now that you know the TRUTH!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Moving From Bloated Bureaucracy To Private Sector

Excuse me while I climb back up on my soapbox for a few minutes here. A little bit ago I received an email from a local agency that serves our developmentally disabled son. While the agency didn't come right out and say it, it was pretty clear that they were against the proposal to move our state into "managed care" by our Kansas governor, Sam Brownback. In a nutshell what Governor Brownback has proposed is to move administration Kansas' entitlement programs over to non-governmental private agencies. 

The Governor has proposed this for two reasons. The first reason is that the private sector is infinitely more efficient then our government has ever hoped to be and this has the prospect, in the long run, of saving Kansas millions of dollars. Millions of dollars that could be used in a much better way other than to fuel a big, inefficient, and even somewhat ineffective .

In response to their email, the following is what I wrote in reply to the agency.

"Please keep in mind that something has to change. To sum things up, we as a country are broke. We can't just keep dolling out money freely without strong accountability to entitlement programs. If we do, then it won't be long and there will be no money to pay for anything, including care for the disabled. Unless everyone is willing to bite the bullet so to say and make some major, sweeping changes, we run the very great risk of losing everything very shortly.

If managed care will still serve the needs of the disabled and save money then it is something that needs to be seriously examined. I say this as a father of a DD son. I would rather make sweeping changes now and have support for him in the years to come rather than have the status quo continue for a short time and then have nothing for him in the future. Consider the fact that right now every American citizen is in debt to our government for a little over $50,000. This includes you, the disabled, our children, and me.

Let's all band together and do the responsible thing. Let's push for change that will ensure that the disabled among us will receive the support they need not just for now or maybe the next few (very few) years but for their lifetime!

Please pass this email along to your leaders at Rainbows. Maybe we can get a dialogue going so we can do our part to insure a lifetime of service to those who need it!"

Whether my email will do any good or not is yet to be determined but I can always hope for the best! My hope is that not only our state but also this great country of ours will wake up before it's too late. We had better hurry. The fat lady is warming up!

Be Blessed!

Big Scott

Monday, March 26, 2012

10th Amendment Center Questionnaire

                I just filled out a questionnaire for the 10th Amendment Center.  I thought that it was a pretty good questionnaire & I decided to post it here.  With the attacks on our constitutional freedoms coming daily now I've decided to become more involved in what's happening to our country and I hope my writings will encourage others to do the same!  Let me know what you think!

Describe in your own words, what is the 10th Amendment, and what does it do?
                The 10th Amendment specifically states that all powers not given to the Federal Government nor prohibited by the Constitution are reserved for the States and the People.  The 10th Amendment was written to prevent the Federal Government from overstepping its bounds or becoming too powerful.

What federal law (or proposal) do you believe is the greatest violation of the principles of the 10th?
                Wow!  Pick one?  That's hard!  The best answer I can come up with only has one word- Obama!  If I had to pick just one I would have to narrow it down to the NDAA imprisonment provision & Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  The NDAA is bad but Obama's Executive Order of March 16th really goes way out of bounds in usurping State's rights.  So right now I'd have to pick Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  That is until Obama issues another Executive Order worse than the last!

What federal law (or proposal) do you believe is the greatest violation of the principles of the 10th?

                Wow!  Pick one?  That's hard!  The best answer I can come up with only has one word- Obama!  If I had to pick just one I would have to narrow it down to the NDAA imprisonment provision & Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  The NDAA is bad but Obama's Executive Order of March 16th really goes way out of bounds in usurping State's rights.  So right now I'd have to pick Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  That is until Obama issues another Executive Order worse then the last!

What current public figure (politician or other), best represents the founders’ vision of the 10th Amendment – and why?

                Rand Paul!  He's one of the very few in this country that has both the guts and the position to stand up & protect our Constitution as a whole, including the 10th Amendment!  On the public side I will have to go with Chuck Norris.  Chuck is dedicated to working with the NRA to protect our Constitutional freedoms and to advance through the States, as it should be, the proper interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

What was the founders’ recommendation for a proper foreign policy?

                The founders set America on course as an isolationist state.  We were originally set to be self sufficient and we kept our noses out of other people's business.  Originally the only time we were allowed to start hostilities with another nation was only if we as a nation were attacked.  In fact up until the outbreak of WWII we pretty much kept to ourselves and didn't get into a major war other the WWI and that was to help some close allies.  Somehow after WWII the U.S. somehow become the world police force which is something the founders never had any intentions of us ever becoming.

What issue are you most passionate about?

                Constitutional Freedoms including moving the U.S. back to a government that abides by our constitution.  I'm also very passionate about all persons having a Constitutional protection guaranteeing them their right to life.  I also work pretty hard on 2nd Amendment issues.  I believe that the 2nd Amendment gives the States the right to have militias to stand against tyranny and the People the right to be armed without reason.  If the people are armed then the government must be subservient to the people otherwise the people will be subservient to the government.  In other words the 2nd Amendment gives the States and the People the right and the power to enforce all other Articles and Amendments of the Constitution.

Are you currently involved in any grassroots groups, and if so, what are they and what's your involvement level?

                Volunteer as a political research analyst for Kansan's For Life, active member of the NRA, active member in Tea party, & active in Republican politics.

Friday, March 16, 2012

When Nothing Created Everything

Sometimes I run across something that someone else has penned that I find worthy of sharing. This is just that case. Here is a satirical piece by a fellow by the name of Joe Carter. Please read it & see if it makes any sense to you as it is what is being taught in our public schools and universities today.
Be Blessed!
When Nothing Created Everything
I've decided to take the elements of materialism and shape them into a purportedly accurate, though mythic, narrative. This is what our culture has been missing for far too long – a creation story for young atheistic materialists.

Throughout history people have been awed and thrilled by retellings of their culture's creation story.

Aztecs would tell of the Lady of the Skirt of Snakes, Phoenicians about the Zophashamin, and Jews and Christians about the one true God – Jehovah. But there is one unfortunate group – the children of atheistic materialists – that has no creation myth to call its own. When an inquisitive tyke asks who created the sun, the animals, and mankind, their materialist parents can only tell them to read a book by Carl Sagan or Richard Dawkins.

But what sort of story are they likely to find? Should they be told, as famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking claims in his recent book The Grand Design that “the universe… create[d] itself from nothing”?

Since Hawking's explanation is a bit too drab and nonspecific for bedtime reading I've decided to take the elements of materialism and shape them into a purportedly accurate, though mythic, narrative. This is what our culture has been missing for far too long – a creation story for young atheistic materialists.
In the beginning was Nothing, and Nothing created Everything. When Nothing decided to create Everything, she filled a tiny dot with Time, Chance, and Everything and had it expand. The expansion spread Everything into Everywhere carrying Time and Chance with it to keep it company. The three stretched out together leaving bits of themselves wherever they went. One of those places was the planet Earth.

For no particular Reason – for Reason is rarely particular – Time and Chance took a liking to this little, wet, blue rock and decided to stick around to see what adventures they might have. While the pair found the Earth to be intriguing and pretty, they also found it a bit too quiet, too static. They fixed upon an idea to change Everything (just a little) by creating a special Something. Time and Chance roamed the planet, splashing through the oceans and sloshing through the mud, in search of materials. But though they looked Everywhere, there was a missing ingredient that they needed in order to make a Something that could create more of the same Somethings.

They called to their friend Everything to help. Since Everything had been Everywhere she would no doubt be able to find the missing ingredient. And indeed she did. Hidden away in a small alcove called Somewhere, Everything found what Time and Chance had needed all along: Information. Everything put Information on a piece of ice and rock that happened to be passing by the former planet Pluto and sent it back to her friends on Earth.
Now that they had Information, Time and Chance were finally able to create a self-replicating Something which they called Life. Once they created Life they found that it not only grew into more Somethings, but began to become Otherthings, too! The Somethings and the Otherthings began to fill the Earth – from the bottom of the oceans to the top of the sky. Their creation, which began as a single Something, eventually became millions and billions of Otherthings.

Time and Chance, though, where the bickering sort and were constantly feuding over which of them was the most powerful. One day they began to argue over who had been more responsible for creating Life. Everything (who was forever eavesdropping) overheard the spat and suggested that they settle by putting their creative skills to work on a new creature called Man. They all thought it was a splendid plan – for Man was a dull, hairy beast who would indeed provide a suitable challenge – and began to boast about who could create an ability, which they called Consciousness, that would allow Man to be aware of Chance, Time, Everything, and Nothing.

Chance, always a bit of a dawdler, got off to a slow start, so Time, who never rested, completed the task first. Time rushed around, filling the gooey matter inside each Man's head with Consciousness. But as he was gloating over his victory he noticed a strange reaction. When Man saw that Everything had been created by Time, Chance, and Nothing, his Consciousness filled with Despair.

Chance immediately saw a solution to the problem and took the remaining materials she was using to make Consciousness to create Beliefs. When Chance mixed Beliefs into the gray goo, Man stopped filling with Despair and started creating Illusions. These Illusions took various forms – God, Purpose, Meaning – and were almost always effective in preventing Man from filling up with Despair.

Nothing, who tended to be rather forgetful, remembered her creation and decided to take a look around Everything. When she saw what Time and Chance had done on planet Earth she was mildly amused, but forbade them to fill any more creatures with Consciousness or Beliefs (which is why Man is the only Something that has both). But Nothing took a fancy to Man and told Time and Chance that when each one's Life ran out, she would take him or her and make them into Nothing too.

And that is why, children, when Man loses his Life he goes from being a Something created by Time and Chance into becoming like his creator – Nothing.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Welcome to the first post of my new blog!  After you read this please post comments and let me know what you think!

I am literally inundated daily with emails keeping me up to date about what is happening not only here in America but also around the world.  I spend close to two hours a day sorting through all of this and then deciding what to pass on to those who care about what's happening.  

Here is an excerpt from one of those emails that I just could not help but pass on.  This particular one came from a group called "Emily's List" and their stated objective is "electing pro-choice Democratic women to every level of office." This one I found to be quite amusing.  In fact where I come from in the country we call this woe unto me article as "crying in your beer" for lack of a better descriptive.  My comments follow each of their 10 items.  My comments are in dark red just for safety sake.  Let me know what you think! 

Here are their Top 10 Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Attacks on Women’s Rights (just in the last 6 months!)

1: The Blunt Amendment. Reasonable religious exemptions weren’t enough for Roy Blunt. This amendment would have allowed your employer – not your doctor - to decide what kind of health care you could get based on his or her own personal moral or religious convictions.  So much for our Constitution which Obama and the liberal left have shown that they have zero regard for.  It is apparent that Freedom of Speech & Religion means nothing to them.  Virtually all health insurance is issued on a state-by-state basis.  The liberal pro-aborts via Obamacare have sought to trample on both the 10th Amendment & the Commerce Clause which states what commerce the Federal Government can regulate.

2: The All-Male Birth Control Panel, or the Man Panel. Congressman Darrell Issa convened a panel to discuss the coverage of birth control – but refused to include any women.  Umm... Refused?  Just how far does one have to stretch the truth to make it a lie?  What Congressman Issa ACTUALLY DID was to convene several prominent religious leaders which by Bible standards were all men to ask them if they felt their religious rights were being trampled by the Obama administration.  Not quite how the liberal left and the liberal media made it out to be.

3: Susan G. Komen Foundation defunds Planned Parenthood. Komen opted to cut off funding to the largest provider of reproductive health services in the US because of their new VP’s objection to a mere 3% of their activities.  Planned Parenthood doesn't do breast exams, they only do referrals for breast exams.  Why shouldn't Komen shut them off?  A major point the liberal pro-aborts conveniently leave out here is that through some unknown back door pressure (read thuggery) Komen all of a sudden reversed course and reinstated Planned Paqrenthood AFTER one of Komen's best weeks ever for fundraising which happened immediately after Komen's announcement to cut Planned Parenthood off.

4:Rush Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke a Prostitute and a Slut. After Sandra Fluke stood up for women everywhere, Rush Limbaugh took to the airwaves and called her a prostitute and a slut for speaking out in favor of birth control coverage. He also said she should have to put videos of her having sex online to compensate the taxpayers who “are going to pay for your contraceptives." Classy.  Once again the hypocrisy of the liberal left pro-aborts shines bright.  The darling comedian/now politician of the liberal left pro-aborts donated $1,000,000.00 to Obama's re-election campaign after he called Sarah Palin every filthy derogative you can think of & I can't mention here as this is family friendly.  Do you think for just one minute that the liberal media or the liberal pro-aborts got up in arms about that?  Not a chance?  Think Obama who took Fluke's side is returning the million dollars Maher gave him?  Yup!  NOT A CHANCE!

5: Forced Trans-Vaginal Ultrasounds. Republican legislators in Virginia invited the commonwealth into the exam room when they proposed a bill that would require women seeking abortions to undergo an invasive, medically-unnecessary vaginal probe before their procedure.  Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill!  This was just a minor technicality that was quickly cleared up & eliminated.  All the Virginia Legislature was trying to do was to get it right.  When the liberal left pro-aborts who don't want the pregnant woman to see her BABY because she might decide to give it life thus costing the abortion industry some if it's almighty dollar that it's grub hungry for ($$$ = power), they turned it into a media circus and even worse an excuse to cry out for more donations!  The Virginia Legislature quickly sought more expert guidance and quickly made the necessary changes but the damage was already done.

6: Texas defunds Planned Parenthood. Under Governor Rick Perry, the state of Texas banned funding to Planned Parenthood because it provides abortion services. In the end, though, this fight has only served to hurt low-income women looking for breast cancer screenings, birth control and pap smears.  As I said above, Planned Parenthood does not do breast cancer screenings, only referrals.  Sheesh!  Now it appears that Planned Parenthood in Texas got caught with its hand in the cookie jar!  Looks like Planned Parenthood in Texas bilked the Government out of around SIX MILLION DOLLARS!  By law if this is proven Planned Parenthood should lose all government support nationwide.  Period!  Add to this now that Planned Parenthood of North Texas CEO Tony Thornton has been busted for indecent exposure!  How can Planned Parenthood's actions in Texas be defended much less lauded and funded is what I want to know!

7: Women in the Military Should “Expect” to be Raped. Responding to a 64% increase in the reports of rape and violent sexual assaults in the military, Fox News pundit Liz Trotta responds, “What did they expect?” She goes on to say that there is a bureaucracy of people to support these women who are being “raped too much.”  Once again the liberal left takes something completely out of context.  Surprise!  Surprise!  What Liz Trotta was actually doing was taking the feminist movement to task for pressuring the military to deploy women closer to the front line.  The point she was trying to make which was once again so conveniently overlooked was that everyone from the high ranking military commanders on down plus the feminists should have known this was going to happen when you put young people in super high stress situations with way to many opportunities for this to happen thus it should have been stopped before it had a chance for it to start.  Just for the record so no one throws rotten tomatoes at me I say rape is always wrong.  Period.  The Defense Department needs to tell the ultra-liberal feminists to take a hike and get our super brave young women warriors to a place where this won't happen.

8: Foster Friess Suggests Women Put Aspirin Between Their Knees. Rick Santorum supporter, Foster Friess, reminisced about back in his day when ladies put aspirin between their knees for birth control. Back in his day, people also died of polio.  Once again, Umm...  this is big news why?  One out of millions of Santorum supporters makes a comment the pro-aborts don't like?  Sheesh!  What would happen if Fox News jumped on even one out of a hundred of the derogatory comments the big Democratic supporters had to say that wasn't family friendly?  Fox would never be able to cover the real news!  Attention liberal pro-aborts!  Look in the mirror and repeat after me:  H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T.  There is your first nugget of real truth!

9: Santorum wants to deny birth control coverage because he thinks it’s available and affordable. Despite the fact that most forms of birth control still require a prescription and 1 in 3 women have reported struggling to afford birth control. Santorum feels there is no barrier to access, so it shouldn’t be covered by insurance.  Here is another case where the hypocrisy of the liberal pro-aborts shines so bright.  First of all the only thing I've heard out of the Santorum camp is that the Federal Government should not interfere in states issues or trample on the rights of churches or businesses.  With that said let's use Kansas as an example on how things are really working now since Kansas is where I live.  Kansas took a stand against Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics that do abortions.  To insure that Federal dollars that are earmarked for family planning (contraception, not abortion) actually get used for that purpose and to insure family planning services STATE WIDE, not just Wichita & Kansas City, the State of Kansas passed a law saying that the earmarked money should be distributed state wide and family planning should be available then to all Kansas women who need the help.  Planned Parenthood screamed bloody murder & got a liberal judge to order the money be paid back to Planned Parenthood in Kansas City and leave the rest of the state basically high and dry.  Looks to me like it's the liberal pro-aborts who are denying people that need it family planning!

10: Mitt Romney doesn’t understand a woman’s reproductive system. Romney has publicly supported “personhood amendments,” which would ban abortion by declaring life begins at conception. When asked about how this affects birth control, Romney seemed to be completely unaware that hormonal forms of birth control stop implantation, not conception and would be banned under any personhood amendment.  Medically & scientifically, we've advanced light years since the Roe V. Wade decision in 1973.  In 1973 we had no idea that all of the chromosomes that define a living creature were present at the moment of conception (I'll call moment of conception as the instant the sperm enters the egg just for argument's sake).  Little did we know then about the fetal development of the baby inside of the mother in the very early stages such as on day 22 after conception heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'. 

Here are some other things about the developing baby we either did not know or did not somehow fully comprehend.  By the end of third week the child's backbone spinal column and nervous system are forming & the liver, kidneys and intestines begin to take shape.  By the end of week 5 the eyes, legs, and hands begin to develop.  By the end of the week 6 brain waves are detectable; mouth and lips are present; fingernails are forming.  Finally by the end of week 8 eyelids, and toes form, nose distinct.  The baby is kicking and swimming.  Every organ is in place, bones begin to replace cartilage, and fingerprints begin to form.  In fact, by the 8th week the baby can begin to hear.  Now consider this, according to the Centers for Disease Control 91.5% of abortions take place by the end of the 9th week.  Had we known in 1973 what we know now one can only speculate how different things would be now but of course these are facts the liberal pro-aborts do not want you to know.