Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coscience Act

In today's Wichita Eagle newspaper there is an aritcile titled " Brownback signs ‘conscience act’ letting pharmacists refuse to provide drugs they believe might cause abortion." http://www.kansas.com/2012/05/14/2334608/brownback-signs-conscience-act.html#storylink=cpy

Needless to say those that oppose freedom, especially the Right to Life, have been screaming their heads off in the comments section of this article. I've lost track already in the number of posts I've made here refuting the rantings of the liberal leftists which have included avocation up to and including socialistic Nazism!

Here's the one definitive post that I made that sums up what this "Conscience Act" is all about.

Let me try to focus on the real issue here. Insuring the right of an individual to not be compelled, coerced, or forced to perform a task or labor to which they are ethically or morally opposed to. This is a matter of freedom people, not about the taking away of one's rights. Forcing someone to perform a task or labor to which they are ethically or morally objected to is not freedom. At best its socialism. At worst its tyranny!

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the abortion proponents that are screaming for "freedom of choice?" If those of you who are abortion proponents truly believe what you say should not that "freedom of choice" extend to all people or are you being hypocritical?

This law does nothing to prohibit a woman from acquiring Plan B, RU-486, or any other abortifactant.

Here's the words of German Pastor Martin Niemöller, Anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor. Arrested & held without due process by Nazis 1937 - 1945.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

"Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It." George Santayana (1905) Reason in Common Sense, volume 1 of The Life of Reason

I for one will not stand by while the rights of others are taken away one by one. I remember what has happened in the past & I will fight so that we as a country will not repeat it.

Where do you stand? Please give me feedback!

Be Blessed!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

This is great!  I'm almost getting spoiled having guest bloggers write for me!  It's also nice knowing I'm not the only "Patriot" out there that is fighting to save this country that we love so dearly!  With that said today's blog comes from Gary up in Iowa.  Gary shares his views on why we should support Romney for President even if we don't agree with everything Romney has to say.  Gary make some really great points here!  Please take this to heart!  Enjoy what Gary has to say.  I did.

Be Blessed!


"I too am/was a Ron Paul supporter but the Iowa caucus is over and he lost. Then I supported Santorum. C'est la vie and politics."

"Everyone: If Romney gets in, the Second Amendment will be temporarily safe, our inexorable march towards socialism will be considerably slowed, any new SCOTUS appointees will be conservative and competent, government regulations will become less intrusive, small business will thrive, leases will be let and oil will be drilled and pipelines will be completed, wasteful spending will decrease, the institution of marriage will be defended, patriotism will be celebrated, jobs will be created, abortion will be defunded, the justice department will become just once again, optimism will flourish, and most importantly, Obama, all his cronies, his czars, his terrorist friends and his civilian army will be neutered."

"We find ourselves in a position where the best candidate is not as good as we'd like him to be but ...so what? When has that ever not been the case? Does anyone expect that there will ever be a perfect candidate that is also electable? Of course not and a few (especially you smart guys) may know it. We are being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, but so what? We are always choosing between the lesser of evils in politics. It's an inescapable truth that we humans shall never be able create a perfect scenario when it comes to politics. Here's the proof: Imagine for a moment that Ron Paul were actually electable, would he be the perfect person for the job? Of course not. He too is a bit flawed in some of his thinking but just not as flawed as all these other contenders to the throne."

"Don't give up and don't give in and don't be discouraged because we are tough, strong and we have the advantage of being selflessly right."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I just had an online conversation with a friend and fellow patriot.  This conversation came about over the startling news that the Obama Administration had once again sold us, the U.S., down the river with "Fed clears China's first US bank takeover"  http://news.yahoo.com/fed-clears-chinas-first-us-bank-takeover-012927575.html

Long story short, if our country turns socialist it's not because of the commies, chi coms, or the russians. It's because we have dipshits for this generation. Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"If our generation votes for socialism then they deserve it. The commies didn't attack us, we allowed them to screw us educationally and our children have learned in public schools and colleges that socialism is more preferable than capitalism. The parents of this country have failed to counter the brainwashing. That's our faults not the commies."

"No, I don't advocate violence in any way. This is not Red Dawn where we get invaded. We did this to ourselves for failing to teach this generation. Blogging, voting, preaching and telling others the values of capitalism and liberty and love for country is the way to counter this culture revolution.... and lot's of prayer too."

"Interesting times we live in. I see a muslim advance, communist advance, financial meltdown of global proportions, middle east wars potentials, global power grabs etc.. A lot of chaos in the 21st century. Very difficult to know which one is advancing ahead of the others. Very crazy times."

"I can't quite figure out what's going on. Fiscally, we are on our way to ruin. Someone once told me if we exceed 20 percent interest on our GDP then we are hosed. We are at 100 percent."  http://visual.ly/united-states-debt-percentage-gdp-1940-2012

"Either the enterprise stops warp and reverses thrusters or we are going to default like greece but take the rest of the world with us. Else, I think possibly a stealth default maybe a possibility. Impossible to know really since only God sees the future."
"Those are thing I see as possible problems in the future though."

"Anyhow, I hopefull for the rapture to take us the heck out of here."

I hope he's right!  I hope he's right!

Have a great day!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Our Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  One cannot have "Liberty" or "the pursuit of Happiness" without first having "Life."

Science has now PROVEN to us at the moment a sperm and an egg become one everything is present for LIFE.  Science has now also PROVEN to us that by the 5th week of pregnancy the baby has a beating heart and a functioning brain. 

A quick perusal of Google and you can find that the vast majority of abortions take place AFTER the 6th week of pregnancy.  Knowing this along with what science has shown us is that abortion STOPS a beating heart and destroys a FUNCTIONING brain.  It's simple, abortion destroys LIFE which is the prime tenant that our founding fathers set forth to protect in our Declaration of Independence!

Abortion proponents put forth the argument that a woman has a right to control her own body.  If this is true then the case could be made that suicide should be legalized and perfectly acceptable.  After all, isn't suicide taking control of your own body?  Furthermore, laws have been in place since the dawn of civilization that prevents parents, including mothers (women), from killing their children no matter how young they are.

What we did not know as a civilization until fairly recently is just when life starts.  Now science has given us that answer.  Now that we have the FACTS, should we as a people, citizens of the United States, move forward to protect and further enshrine the very tenants that this great country of ours was founded on?

Something for you to think about.  Better yet, something for you to act upon now that you know the TRUTH!