Monday, March 26, 2012

10th Amendment Center Questionnaire

                I just filled out a questionnaire for the 10th Amendment Center.  I thought that it was a pretty good questionnaire & I decided to post it here.  With the attacks on our constitutional freedoms coming daily now I've decided to become more involved in what's happening to our country and I hope my writings will encourage others to do the same!  Let me know what you think!

Describe in your own words, what is the 10th Amendment, and what does it do?
                The 10th Amendment specifically states that all powers not given to the Federal Government nor prohibited by the Constitution are reserved for the States and the People.  The 10th Amendment was written to prevent the Federal Government from overstepping its bounds or becoming too powerful.

What federal law (or proposal) do you believe is the greatest violation of the principles of the 10th?
                Wow!  Pick one?  That's hard!  The best answer I can come up with only has one word- Obama!  If I had to pick just one I would have to narrow it down to the NDAA imprisonment provision & Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  The NDAA is bad but Obama's Executive Order of March 16th really goes way out of bounds in usurping State's rights.  So right now I'd have to pick Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  That is until Obama issues another Executive Order worse than the last!

What federal law (or proposal) do you believe is the greatest violation of the principles of the 10th?

                Wow!  Pick one?  That's hard!  The best answer I can come up with only has one word- Obama!  If I had to pick just one I would have to narrow it down to the NDAA imprisonment provision & Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  The NDAA is bad but Obama's Executive Order of March 16th really goes way out of bounds in usurping State's rights.  So right now I'd have to pick Obama's Executive Order of March 16th.  That is until Obama issues another Executive Order worse then the last!

What current public figure (politician or other), best represents the founders’ vision of the 10th Amendment – and why?

                Rand Paul!  He's one of the very few in this country that has both the guts and the position to stand up & protect our Constitution as a whole, including the 10th Amendment!  On the public side I will have to go with Chuck Norris.  Chuck is dedicated to working with the NRA to protect our Constitutional freedoms and to advance through the States, as it should be, the proper interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

What was the founders’ recommendation for a proper foreign policy?

                The founders set America on course as an isolationist state.  We were originally set to be self sufficient and we kept our noses out of other people's business.  Originally the only time we were allowed to start hostilities with another nation was only if we as a nation were attacked.  In fact up until the outbreak of WWII we pretty much kept to ourselves and didn't get into a major war other the WWI and that was to help some close allies.  Somehow after WWII the U.S. somehow become the world police force which is something the founders never had any intentions of us ever becoming.

What issue are you most passionate about?

                Constitutional Freedoms including moving the U.S. back to a government that abides by our constitution.  I'm also very passionate about all persons having a Constitutional protection guaranteeing them their right to life.  I also work pretty hard on 2nd Amendment issues.  I believe that the 2nd Amendment gives the States the right to have militias to stand against tyranny and the People the right to be armed without reason.  If the people are armed then the government must be subservient to the people otherwise the people will be subservient to the government.  In other words the 2nd Amendment gives the States and the People the right and the power to enforce all other Articles and Amendments of the Constitution.

Are you currently involved in any grassroots groups, and if so, what are they and what's your involvement level?

                Volunteer as a political research analyst for Kansan's For Life, active member of the NRA, active member in Tea party, & active in Republican politics.

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