Saturday, May 12, 2012

This is great!  I'm almost getting spoiled having guest bloggers write for me!  It's also nice knowing I'm not the only "Patriot" out there that is fighting to save this country that we love so dearly!  With that said today's blog comes from Gary up in Iowa.  Gary shares his views on why we should support Romney for President even if we don't agree with everything Romney has to say.  Gary make some really great points here!  Please take this to heart!  Enjoy what Gary has to say.  I did.

Be Blessed!


"I too am/was a Ron Paul supporter but the Iowa caucus is over and he lost. Then I supported Santorum. C'est la vie and politics."

"Everyone: If Romney gets in, the Second Amendment will be temporarily safe, our inexorable march towards socialism will be considerably slowed, any new SCOTUS appointees will be conservative and competent, government regulations will become less intrusive, small business will thrive, leases will be let and oil will be drilled and pipelines will be completed, wasteful spending will decrease, the institution of marriage will be defended, patriotism will be celebrated, jobs will be created, abortion will be defunded, the justice department will become just once again, optimism will flourish, and most importantly, Obama, all his cronies, his czars, his terrorist friends and his civilian army will be neutered."

"We find ourselves in a position where the best candidate is not as good as we'd like him to be but what? When has that ever not been the case? Does anyone expect that there will ever be a perfect candidate that is also electable? Of course not and a few (especially you smart guys) may know it. We are being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, but so what? We are always choosing between the lesser of evils in politics. It's an inescapable truth that we humans shall never be able create a perfect scenario when it comes to politics. Here's the proof: Imagine for a moment that Ron Paul were actually electable, would he be the perfect person for the job? Of course not. He too is a bit flawed in some of his thinking but just not as flawed as all these other contenders to the throne."

"Don't give up and don't give in and don't be discouraged because we are tough, strong and we have the advantage of being selflessly right."

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